Somali Spice Blend

Somali Spice Blend

This aromatic spice blend called xawaash (pronounced “HA-wash”) is perfect to use on vegetables, in stews, as a dry rub for meats, and to add warm, deep flavors to any dish.




2 Tbsp cumin seeds

2 Tbsp coriander seeds

1 ½ tsp black peppercorns

¼ inch piece of whole cinnamon

¼ tsp whole cloves

1 ½ tsp ground turmeric



  1. Set up your Vidiem Mixer-Grinder by placing the spice grinder jar onto the motor base.
  2. In a small pan over medium-low heat, toast all of the spices (except turmeric) until fragrant.
  3. Add all the spices (except turmeric) to the spice grinder jar.
  4. Secure the lid in place and grind for about 15 seconds, or until all of the spices are fully ground.
  5. Combine the ground spices with the turmeric and store in a clean glass jar.

Yield: About ⅓ cup

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